The Bellevue Youth Theatre Foundation helps recruit volunteers for the theatre productions. There are two main operational routes:
- Theatre production support: Roles include general assistants for rehearsals and performances, makeup artists, hair stylists, costumers, etc.
- Concessions: Roles include merchandising (snacks, candy, beverages, souvenirs), selling and financial operations at BYT performances.
To get started and learn more about operational volunteer opportunities, please contact us at BYTVolunteers@bellevuewa.gov to receive your volunteer packet.

To directly volunteer with the BYT Foundation, there are two categories:
- Fundraising / Grant writing
Lead and execute on various fundraising projects and papers. - Special projects – Provide your expertise in a specialized area (legal services, accounting) or a time bound project deliverable for meaningful impact to the BYT Foundation.
Email info@bytfoundation.org with your interests to get started.